Joseph A. Rosario is the former Chief polygraph examiner for the State of New Jersey, Office of the Public Defender. Mr Rosario has over 35 years of polygraph experience. He is currently available to conduct specific issue polygraph examinations for criminal defense attorneys, government agencies and the courts. He has conducted approximately 5000 specific issue polygraph examinations for criminal defense attorneys. As the Chief polygraph examiner for the Office of the Public Defender, he was responsible for the supervision and training of polygraph examiners assigned to the polygraph unit. He has also conducted the review and quality control of polygraph examinations conducted by examiners assigned to the unit. Mr. Rosario is a member of the American Polygraph Association, and the New Jersey Polygraph Association. Mr. Rosario speaks and writes in Spanish.
Joseph A. Rosario Forensic Polygraph Services, LLC is committed to helping exonerate the falsely accused by providing accurate and reliable polygraph test consistent with the most current scientific developments in polygraph methodology. Mr. Rosario adheres to standards established by the American Polygraph Association, and the New Jersey Polygraph Association. See the Curriculum Vitae section for information regarding polygraph training and polygraph seminars that he attended.
Overview: What my practice offers