Joseph A. Rosario Forensic Polygraph Services, LLC
Joseph A. Rosario Forensic Polygraph Services, LLC
Joseph A. Rosario Forensic Polygraph Services, LLC 1820 Chapel Avenue W, Suite 300 Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002
 Joseph A. Rosario Forensic Polygraph Services, LLC      1820 Chapel Avenue W,Suite 300Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002


Joseph Rosario is an exceptionally skilled polygraph examiner whose 25+ years of experience is apparent in the quality of his work. Mr. Rosario has excellent communication skills and the ability to interact and successfully conduct polygraph examinations with a diverse group of people. He also takes painstaking care in conducting his polygraph examinations so that the results can be relied upon. Mr Rosario's integrity and unfailing professionalism lend great credibility to his findings such that a defense attorney can readily offer his results to law enforcement personnel to benefit a client. I have used Mr. Rosario on a wide range of cases over the years and, because of the ourstanding quality of his work, his test results have enabled me to obtain very positive outcomes for people faced with serious allegations.


Sandy Larson, Esq.

71 Paterson Street

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


"I have known Joseph Rosario for many years, from his prior position with the NJ Office of the Public Defender.

I know him to be an excellent examiner and investigator. I speak, as a defense attorney and former prosecutorial expert in the field of polygraph"


Robert J. Brass, Esq.

Partner at Laww Offices of Brian J. Aloia



  "Joseph Rosario is an authority on polygraph testing in New Jersey. I have worked with Mr. Rosario as a polygraph examiner on several occasions and I fully endorse his work. His style and experience produce reliable and credible test results. I have also consulted with Mr. Rosario as an expert witness in the field of polygraph science and testing procedure. His knowledge of the field and ability to explain the complexities of polygraph science have been an invaluable resource."


Joseph S. Scura - Criminal Defense Attorney


Law Office of Joseph S. Scura

94 Diamond Spring Road, Suite 201

Denville, NJ 07834




 1820 Chapel Ave. W, Suite 300

Cherry Hill, NJ 08002


Office Phone Number: 

 (609) 859-3922


Mobile: (609) 634-6513

Office Hours

I can be reached during the following hours: Monday-Saturday 8 am to 9 pm

Examinations are administered using the latest Computerized Polygraph System

Full member of the American Polygraph Association

Member of the New Jersey Polygraph Association

I can be reached during the following hours: Monday - Saturday 9 AM to 9 PM. Office: 609-859-3922, Celluar: 609-634-6513


Examinations are administered using the latest Computerized Polygraph System

Full Member of the American Polygraph Association

Member of the New Jersey Polygraph Association

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